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Which Neurological conditions can change your personality?

A big, sudden change in personality may indicate a medical problem

Which Neurological conditions can change your personality?

Bad news, disappointment, grief, or disillusionment are reasons why a person who usually feels happy may feel sad or depressed from one moment to the next. All this is normal; after hearing devastating news, your mood can be very different from what you are used to, and its duration can be days, weeks, or even months. However, it is essential not to confuse mood swings with personality changes. A neurological condition can cause strong changes in a person's personality and behavior, and a Neurologist can diagnose them properly.

Globally, there are as many personality types as there are people, not that there is only one personality type that is attributed to a healthy person. In the day to day, depending on the circumstances we face, it brings with it variations in behavior. However, a sudden big change without an obvious, apparent reason (such as the loss of a loved one, bad news, or the start of drug treatment) that makes you act in ways that are not typical of your character can indicate a medical problem.


Some of the neurological conditions that produce personality changes are


  • Alzheimer's disease
    This disease can make you feel confused, affecting your memory, thoughts, judgment, and decision making. At first, feeling all these involuntary personality changes can make you feel anxious or upset more easily.

  • Parkinson'sAt first, in addition to the very particular sign of this disease, the tremor in your hand, you may also begin to seem distracted and not as outgoing as you used to be. Over time, this condition starts to affect the way you sleep, talk, and think.

  • Multiple Sclerosis
    The Immune System attacks the nerves in the brain and spine, so in some cases, you may feel a degree of happiness that is beyond normal and out of touch with reality. In other cases, you may experience laughter or crying that seems out of control or does not correspond to what you are really feeling.

  • Brain TumorA tumor in the frontal lobe of the brain can cause mood swings, make you more aggressive, or cause paranoid thoughts. In this area of the brain, areas that deal with personality, emotions, memory, and conflict resolution can be affected.

  • Depression
    The Depression is a condition that, as it progresses, changes the way you think and see the world around you. It affects your mood, your thoughts, your memory, and the way you deal with problems.

  • Dementia
    Loss of neurons in the frontal lobe of the brain can cause people with mild dementia to experience increased withdrawal or Depression. People with moderate dementia may experience more significant changes, such as becoming agitated and suspicious of others.

  • Schizophrenia
    This disease makes it difficult for you to think clearly, makes it impossible for you to distinguish between what is and isn't real, and how to behave normally in social situations.

  • BipolarityBipolar disorder causes the person with it to have extreme changes in mood, including intense euphoria or Depression.  Altering the way a person responds to different circumstances.

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
    OCD causes a person to feel anxious and have thoughts and impulses that he or she is unable to stop. You may start to doubt yourself a lot, and simple tasks take up a lot of time, which is made worse if someone criticizes you or makes a negative comment that feeds your anxiety.

  • Stroke When a stroke occurs, the person may have strong mood swings or act impulsively and impatiently. This is because some blood flow to the brain is cut off, and the cells do not get enough oxygen and begin to die.


Some of the symptoms of a personality change may include:

  • Symptoms of anxiety or mood swings

  • Anger

  • Insensitive or rude behavior

  • Impulsive behavior

  • Hallucinations

A personality change caused by a medical condition may lessen once the condition is treated promptly by your doctor. If you do not have any identifiable medical condition, but you have these symptoms, talk to your Neurologist and book an appointment as soon as possible.

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