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We are the most advanced care facilities and has become a leading provider in medical care for local and international patientes in Los Cabos

We are the most advanced care facilities and has become a leading provider in medical care for local and international patients in Los Cabos

Savings form 40% up to 70%

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Board Certified & Bilingual Doctors

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María José Cruz | Mexico

My daughter arrived with Bronchiolitis, a type of asthma, they gave her 4 rescue nebulizations, which Dr. Montaño told me from the beginning that if she did not react with it, we would have to intern her to break the spasm in her right lung. She spent 2 nights in observation, since the first night the girl evolved well, the doctor visited her and told me that she needed one more night to be able to discharge her 100% with the necessary care. She was discharged with an effective diagnosis, the truth is that I am very happy and grateful for each and every one of the attentions provided for her prompt recovery.

Ana Isabel Estrada | Mexico

Thank you for your excellent attention. From the moment I was admitted in the hospital, the medical and nursery attention has been of high quality and most important, they were worried about making me feel good. The care is top quality.

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