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Huntington’s Disease

Huntington's disease causes continuous deterioration of brain neurons. This is an inherited disease that affects a person's functional capabilities, usually causing movement, thinking, and psychiatric disorders.

Huntington’s Disease
Huntington's disease causes continuous deterioration of brain neurons. This is an inherited disease that affects a person's functional capabilities, usually causing movement, thinking, and psychiatric disorders. 

Cases that appear before the age of 20 are called juvenile Huntington, and the development of the disease is usually faster. In general, people who suffer from this condition typically develop symptoms from 30 or 40. Some medicines allow controlling this disease. However, they do not prevent the physical and mental deterioration that Huntington's disease generates.

Causes of Huntington's disease

Huntington's disease is hereditary if the abnormal gene is inherited from either parent, the chances of suffering from this disease are more significant. It is common for either parent to have this disease.

Symptoms of Huntington´s disease

The signs and symptoms may vary from person to person. Following are the most common symptoms:

  • Movement disorders (uncontrolled movements, clumsiness, balance problems, speech problems, etc.)

  • Cognitive disorders (lack of control, slow thinking, etc.)

  • Psychiatric disorders (depression, insomnia, tiredness, sadness, bipolarity, mania, obsession, and compulsivity, etc.)

Diagnosis of Huntington's disease

The Neurologist will be in charge of doing a physical exam and a series of questions about your medical history.

Among the tests to be carried out, we group the most common.

Treatment of Huntington's disease 

If the patient presents a case of Huntington's disease, the Neurologist will prescribe medications that allow you to control it. However, these will not prevent the physical and mental deterioration that Huntington's disease generates.

It is essential to go for regular check-ups with the Neurologist and follow the treatment plan provided by the doctor.

Treatments for Huntington's disease are 

Living with Huntington's disease

Being diagnosed with Huntington's disease is a tough situation. However, the right information, and the support of your family and close ones can help you manage this condition. 

We have grouped some of the things to consider that could help us to know how to deal with this disease. 

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle could help improve the quality of life. 

  • Family support is vital; understanding of common symptoms is required to react appropriately and be patient. 

  • Finding Out About Huntington's Disease 

  • Go regularly to the Neurology doctor 

  • Find services and support near you

  • Do legal and financial planning

  • Maintaining a weekly or daily routine is favorable

  • Seek help with daily tasks 

  • Ask the doctor to ask for a home safety assessment

When to go to a doctor?

The Neurologist is the specialist in charge of treating these types of diseases; he will be in charge of evaluating memory wear and other thinking skills.

The Neurologist will take care of making a review of the medical history of the family history, neurological examinations, as well as a general physical examination.

When consulting your doctor, we recommend keeping a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking.

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