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Gynecology and Obstetrics

Humanized Birth: An Alternative to C-Section

In recent years, the number of c-sections has been growing to the point that there are initiatives around the world supporting Humanized Birth.

 Humanized Birth: An Alternative to C-Section

What’s a Humanized Birth?

We call Humanized Birth to the reinforcement of Natural Birth, where a relaxed environment is provided, where the medical staff intervention is minimum, where the future parents have a voice when it comes to choosing aspects like the kind of birth they wish, the place where it would take place and who are those who can be there in such a special moment.




In a Humanized Birth, everything is different than a normal childbirth, in these, routine medical procedures aren’t really necessary such as a c-section or stimulating contractions with medicine. 

One of the most important and iconic moments in a Humanized Birth is the link between the mother and the child, which means that a baby is not submitted to unnecessary maneuvers before the mom can have it between her arms.


What are the main aspects of a Humanized Birth?


 World Health Organization recommends certain characteristics of a humanized birth:


- All staff provides emotional support.

- There is no movement restriction, position changes during the birth is allowed.

- An Episiotomy is not a routine procedure.

- There is no need to shave if the patient does not want it.

- An electronic fetal monitor can be avoided.

- Liquids and food ingestion is allowed during the childbirth.

- Use of analgesics and anesthesia are restricted.

- C-section rate is lowered down to 15% while in Mexico is over 45%

- Dressing for the mom and the baby can be chosen, so is the food, and the use of the placenta.

-Some other important cultural or religious practices are allowed.


Why choosing a Humanized Birth as an option in Mexico?



In recent years, the increase of c-sections in our country had been raising extremely, currently 4 out of 10 child births are performed this way, and most of the time, is not necessary.

Approximately, 90% of childbirths do not require an intervention, with this statement we do not want to say that a c-section is never a necessity, a medical presence is always needed in cases of complication that may appear, also in some cases this can be prevented with a good prenatal control.

So, what are the benefits of a Humanized Birth?


Main benefits are:


Less pain during the child birth

Humanized birth specialists have a goal where their efforts are in creating a wellness environment in the family, looking for comfort in the surroundings, specially for the mother where her husband can be part of it, a child birth where the mom and the baby never have to leave the room, all these human aspects can be part of the birth without letting aside the medical healthcare from the doctors and nurses so the mother can feel safe.

Link between the mother and the baby

The fast contact skin to skin between the baby and its mother consists in placing the newborn above the mother’s chest, reinforcing the bond that through history has been essential for the newborn survive, currently, in most of the hospitals babies are separated from the mother almost instantly after they are born.

In a humanized birth it is possible to keep direct contact with his mother up to 50 minutes, this increases the quality and duration of the lactancy stage, a critical one for the baby’s development.


Would you like to know more about Humanized Birth? Are you interested in a special birth for your baby? Get in touch with us for more information, price and packages of humanized birth.