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Gynecology and Obstetrics


Vaginal Itching & Burning, why?


The most common cause of discomfort, such as vaginal itching and burning, is vaginal infections such as Vaginitis.

Vaginitis is an infection or inflammation of the mucosal wall of the vagina caused by many things, including itching, burning, pain, discharge, and sometimes pain during sex.

Reduced levels of estrogen can also cause Vaginitis after menopause and skin problems.

The most common types of Vaginitis

  • Bacterial Vaginosis: Occurs from an imbalance of bacterial flora in the vagina and an overgrowth of other organisms

  • Yeast infection: usually caused by a fungus that is naturally found in the vagina called Candida albicans

  • Trichomoniasis: usually transmitted through sexual intercourse and caused by a parasite

Symptoms of Vaginitis

  • Itchy, burning sensation in the vagina

  • Vaginal irritation

  • Painful urination

  • There are changes in vaginal discharge (color, odor, or amount)

  • Pain during sex

  • Slight vaginal bleeding 

Sometimes, with women who have vaginal discharge, the fluid characteristics may indicate the type of Vaginitis they have: 

  • Bacterial vaginosis: a grayish-white discharge with an unpleasant odor. The "fishy" smell may be more noticeable after sex

  • Yeast infection is a thick, white, cottage-cheese-like discharge, although the main symptom of this is itching

  • Trichomoniasis: greenish-yellow discharge, sometimes frothy in appearance.

Risk factors

Many factors can increase the risk of Vaginitis, for example:

  • Taking antibiotics

  • Using an intrauterine device

  • Douching

  • Use products such as vaginal spray or deodorant

  • Wearing wet or tight clothing

  • Having many sexual partners

  • Pregnancy

  • Birth Control Pills

  • Menopause

  • Having a sexually transmitted infection

  • Uncontrolled diabetes

Causes of Vaginitis

Because there are different types of Vaginitis, the cause will depend on what type you have:

  • Bacterial vaginosis:  The balance is disrupted because normal bacteria in the vagina are changed, and one of several organisms grows too much.

    This type of Vaginitis is linked to sex, especially if you have multiple sex partners or a new partner. But it does not exclude women who are not sexually active from having it.

  • Yeast infection: An overgrowth of a fungus, usually C. Albicans, inside the vagina. This fungus also causes infections in other moist areas of the body, such as the mouth, skin folds, and under the fingernails.

  • Trichomoniasis: A common sexually transmitted infection caused by a microscopic parasite. This organism is spread by having sex with an infected person.

    It increases a woman's risk of getting other sexually transmitted infections.

  • Noninfectious Vaginitis: Sprays, deodorants, douches, scented soaps, and detergents can cause an allergic reaction or irritate vaginal tissues.

  • Vaginal atrophy: When menopause occurs or when the uterus is removed through a hysterectomy, estrogen levels are reduced, and this causes the vaginal wall to be thin, causing irritation, burning, or drying of the vaginal tissues.


  • Do not douche/swab (normal bathing is enough for the vaginal cleansing)

  • Do not use deodorants or intimate sprays

  • Use cotton underwear

  • Avoid clothing that keeps you damp or hot

  • Use condoms like the condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections

  • Avoid bubble baths, hot tubs, and whirlpools

  • Avoid irritants such as tampons, pads, scented soaps 

  • Dry your vaginal area thoroughly to avoid irritation

  • Wipe from front to back when you go to the bathroom

In all cases of vaginal infections, you must visit your Gynecologist and give him a detailed description of your symptoms and the possible causes you think triggered it. Your doctor will evaluate your case and tell you the appropriate and recommended treatment for your infection.

If you need an ObGyn in Los Cabos, please Contact us. We are here to help you!


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