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What are the different types of Diabetes?

Nowadays, Diabetes has become a world problem. Did you know there are more than just one type? Get to know more about this disease and its different types.

What are the different types of Diabetes?
What is Diabetes Mellitus?

It is a condition in which the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the cells stop responding to the produced insulin, this is the reason the glucose on the blood is not being absorbed by the body cells.


Diabetes is a silent disease, but it certainly has some symptoms that we can identify and consider getting clinical tests to confirm or discard a type of diabetes.

  • Sexual problems
  • Blurry vision
  • Constant urine
  • Tiredness
  • Thirst and hunger most of the time
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nonhealing wounds
  • Sudden weight-loss

Type 1

It is also known as juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent type starts from the childhood or adolescence throughout their lives. It is caused when there is low or a non-existent quantity of insulin resulting in the need of patients to get shots of insulin on a daily basis.

Type 2

Also called adult diabetes or just Diabetes, is the most common type of the disease, it may appear on overweight people or those who live a sedentary life without exercise. It is a more soft kind of diabetes because of its slow pace through the years and it is controllable with a strict healthy diet and oral medication, in this case, insulin shots may not be necessary unless the diet and medicine are not enough.

People susceptible to this type of diabetes may be: 

  • Obese people (20% more of ideal weight)
  • People with direct relatives diagnosed with diabetes mellitus
  • With high blood pressure (140/90 mmHg or more)

Gestational Diabetes

It develops in the second or third trimester of the pregnancy and it commonly resolves after the baby is born. These kids may be born early or with hypoglycemia, it is treatable with a healthy diet but even then, there is a chance that the baby may require insulin shots. Women also have a risk of getting diabetes mellitus type 2 within 5 to 10 years after giving birth.


If you have detected general symptoms of diabetes on you or direct relatives, is highly advisable to get checked and treated as soon as possible.

And remember: Get tested

Where can I get a test for COVID-19 in Los Cabos?  Visit ourlink to find more information about it. 

Why is COVID-19 testing important? COVID-19 testing will help you protect your family, your community, and yourself.

It will save lives!


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