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Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Pyelonephritis, best known as Kidney infection may affect one or both kidneys and generally starts in the urethra of the bladder, traveling to the kidneys. This infection requires rapid medical attention. Otherwise, it can cause permanent damages. Patients with cystitis or kidney stones are more likely to develop it. Also, women are more prone to develop an infection.

Kidney infection is treatable with antibiotics and may require hospitalization.


These types of infections are developed when bacteria enter the urinary tract traveling through the urethra to the kidneys.

The urinary tract has a system that prevents bacteria to enter, but sometimes fails and the bacteria spread until an infection is formed.


Not all cases develop symptoms, but when it does the symptoms may be:

  • Frequent urination

  • Persistent urge to urinate

  • Pain or burning sensation when urinating

  • Blood in the urine

  • In women, pain in the pelvic zone

Risks factors

Kidney infections are more frequent among women. Some of the risk factors are:

  • Feminine anatomy: The urethra is shorter in women, so the bacteria can cross towards the bladder easily

  • Sexual activity: Having new sexual partners increases the risk of developing kidney infections

  • Some contraceptives such as diagrams and spermicides

  • Menopause

  • Urinary tract malformations

  • Urinary tract obstructions

  • Weak immune system

  • Recent urinary tract surgery


For confirming that there's a urinary infection, it will be necessary to deliver a urine sample to detect bacteria, blood, or pus. The doctor specialist in Urology may also request a blood sample. Other possible tests could include imaging tests, such as ultrasound, CT scan or X-rays. 


Antibiotics are the first treatment option to fight urinary tract infections. The medications the doctor specialist in Urology prescribes and the duration of treatment will depend on the person's state of health, and the type of bacteria found in urine tests.

Usually, the discomfort and symptoms of the infection begin to improve a few days after starting treatment. However, you will likely have to continue taking antibiotics for a week or even longer. It is essential to maintain the treatment for the time that the doctor suggests.

To check that the infection is no longer present, the doctor may request new urine samples for laboratory tests.

How to live with Kidney Infection

Urinary tract infection is common, and if treated promptly with proper treatment, discomfort and symptoms will disappear within days. For preventing future infections, the following tips can be followed:

  • Drink liquids, especially water. It will help to kill bacteria through the urine.

  • Peeing as soon as needed

  • Empty the bladder after having sexual activity

  • Clean properly, front to back

  • Avoid using feminine hygiene products in the genital area, such as spray deodorants or talcs, as these can irritate the urethra

When to see a Doctor?

Make an appointment with the Urologist if you suspect you have a urinary tract infection or symptoms develop. Severe infections can lead to life-threatening complications. Seek urgent medical attention if the infection is accompanied by bloody urine, nausea, or vomiting. 

When consulting the Urologist, it is crucial to keep a record of the discomfort and symptoms and the time they have occurred. If you are taking any medication, it is essential to mention it. Urinary tract infections are curable in a short time if they are taken care of properly.