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Male Infertility

Infertility occurs due to reduced sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or blockage that prevents sperm release.

Male Infertility

Being sterile means that a baby cannot be conceived; in this case, the cause of this is male infertility.


Infertility occurs due to reduced sperm production, abnormal sperm function, or blockage that prevents sperm release


Chronic health problems, illness, and other factors can contribute to male infertility.

Causes of Male Infertility

  • Physical problems of the testicles 

  • Blockages in the tubes that carry semen 

  • Hormonal problems 

  • Ejaculation problems 

  • Tumors 

  • History of high fever 

  • History of mumps 

  • Genetic diseases 

  • Environmental or lifestyle factors

Symptoms of Male Infertility

In most cases, men with male infertility don't detect symptoms, only the inability to have children.

The most frequent signs and symptoms are:

  • Pain or swelling in the testicle area

  • Repeated respiratory diseases

  • Gynecomastia, enlargement of the mammary gland

  • Problems with sexual functioning, difficulty ejaculating

  • Reduction of facial or body hair

  • Low sperm count

  • Smell disorder

Risk factors of Male Infertility

  • Stress

  • Being exposed to toxins

  • Depression

  • Drinking alcohol

  • Use of illegal drugs

  • Chronic diseases

  • Smoking

  • Having suffered an injury in the testicles

  • Being born with a fertility disorder 

  • Having a history of a fertility disorder

  • Have had pelvic or abdominal surgery

  • Obesity

  • Having had infections

  • Overheating the testicles

  • Having a history of undescended testicles

  • Consumption of certain medications and undergoing specific medical treatments

  • Tumors

Diagnosis of Male infertility


The Urologist will perform a physical exam, asking questions related to your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history

Following are some of the possible tests that the Urologist could perform:


Treatment of Male infertility

The exact cause of infertility is generally not known. However, the Urologist may recommend the following procedures:

  • Surgery 

  • Antibiotic treatment to cure infections 

  • Treatments for problems with sexual intercourse 

  • Hormonal medications and treatments

  • Assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments 

When male fertility problems cannot be treated with the above treatments, the Urologist might suggest that you and your couple consider using donor sperm or adoption.

Living with Male Infertility

It is recommended that you and your couple go to a mental health specialist to help you dealing emotionally, and cope in the best way possible.

Some things to consider that could help improve the quality of life are:

  • Have sex more often

  • Have sex when fertilization is possible

  • Avoid using lubricants

When do you have to see a doctor?

Make your appointment with the Urologist in case of presenting any of the mentioned symptoms or in case of detecting another abnormal sign.

When consulting your doctor, we recommend keeping a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking.

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