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Prostatitis is a disease of the prostatic gland. Read about causes, symptoms and diagnosis. and diagnosis at Health Library by BlueNetHospitals


Prostatitis is a swelling/inflammation of the Prostatic Gland (prostate) that may or may not be associated with a bacterial infection. Generally, if Prostatitis is caused by a bacterial infection after a treatment of antibiotics, it gets better quickly. Only men have a prostate and it is located below the bladder surrounding the urethral opening.

Most common symptoms of Prostatitis

The symptoms of Prostatitis can vary from person to person depending on whether or not the source of the condition is bacterial. However, some of the symptoms are:


  • Burning or itching during urination

  • The constant need to urinate

  • Bleeding in the urine

  • In some cases, fever.

  • Painful ejaculation

  • Groin pain


Causes and Risk Factors of Prostatitis

The causes of Prostatitis vary depending on the type of agent that has caused it. However, some influencing factors are:

  • Some sexual practices: not having safe sex and having many sexual partners.

  • Phimosis: the inability to retract the foreskin

  • Blockages in the flow of urine out of the bladder

  • Having any pelvic injury

  • Using a urinary catheter

  • Being HIV-positive



  • Physical Examination

  • Blood tests

  • Urine and semen cultures

  • In chronic cases: biopsy