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Pediatrics and Neonatology

Newborn Care

Newborn Care

One of the biggest concerns for a mother after giving birth is to be prepared or not prepared enough for the care that a newborn demands, the idea can even be overwhelming as it represents a new world of uncertainty.

Newborns have many demands such as the constant monitoring of proper breathing, keeping in proper fear, constant feeding and diaper changing. The first year of life for babies is a time full of change, growth and discovery for your baby so it is important to be prepared for it. The more you know about your newborn's health and care, the more confident you will feel when they arrive and when it is time to take them home.


During your time in the hospital

Ask, ask, ask. Don't hesitate - you and your partner - to ask the nurses for help and advice about basic newborn care:

  • How to hold the Newborn in the right way to give the necessary support to his or her neck

  • How to wrap the newborn

  • Changing Newborn Diapers

  • Cleaning the Umbilical Cord of the Newborn

  • Burping the Newborn

  • Bathing the Newborn

  • Taking a Newborn's Temperature

  • How to properly care for your newborn boy if he has a circumcision

  • How to Use a Suctioner to Clean Newborn Nostrils Without Hurting

Ask your doctor for help if you need it, ask about special newborn health care counseling programs, and ask if there are lactation consultants. Remember, the first visit with your newborn's doctor on the third or fourth day after birth is critical.

After birth, babies immediately need some important tests and procedures to ensure their health. 

  • The newborn's head is measured

  • Weight and height are recorded

  • The temperature is taken 

  • The baby's heart rate and breathing are recorded.

During your time in the hospital
These are some of the tests and procedures that are usually done in hospitals after a birth

These are some of the tests and procedures that are usually done in hospitals after a birth

  • Apgar Test: This is a quick test done at 1 minute and 5 minutes immediately after birth. This test helps the doctor assess the newborn's overall health by measuring five signs that are 

  • Heart Rate

  • Breathing

  • Reflections

  • Skin color

  • Activity and muscle tone

  • Metabolic Screening Test: The newborn's heel is pricked to take a small blood sample that is tested for many diseases.

  • Hearing Test

  • Hepatitis B vaccine

  • Prevention of eye infections with Ophthalmological care.


Book an appointment with your Dr. today

  • children clinic
  • heart center