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Pediatrics and Neonatology

Asthma in Children

Asthma in Children

Asthma in children is a disease that affects children's lungs, and that makes it very difficult for them to breathe. This occurs due to chronic inflammation of the airways in the lungs, causing shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest, coughing and, wheezing. 

An Asthma attack is recognizable by the shortness of breath it causes because the inner lining of the airways swells, and the muscles around the airways become rigid and tight, causing a large amount of clear, thick liquid substance, called mucus. The most common triggers are allergies, colds, and exercise. 

Childhood asthma is not exactly a different disease from adult asthma, but in children, it represents complications in different ways. Asthma is one of the leading causes of emergency room visits and school absenteeism in children.


Symptoms of Asthma in children

  • Recurrent cough that doesn't go away

  • Coughing that intensifies at night

  • A whistling sound when you breathe

  • Fatigue 

  • Congestion

  • Chest pressure

  • Difficulty in breathing

The symptoms of childhood asthma can vary significantly from child to child, depending on many external factors. It can also get better or worse over time, which is why constant medical supervision is essential. With proper treatment, symptoms can be controlled, and damage to the lungs can be prevented from growing.

Risk factors:
Some risk factors may increase your child's chance of developing Asthma, such as:

  • Constant exposure to cigarette smoke.

  • Previous allergies. 

  • Obesity

  • Living somewhere where there is a lot of pollution

  • Being male

  • Having sinusitis or pneumonia or other respiratory conditions

  • Family history of Asthma

  • Animal hair

  • Pollen, dust, and mold.

  • Viral infections

  • Climate change

Symptoms of Asthma in children
Triggers that cause Asthma Crises

Triggers that cause Asthma Crises


Among the most common triggers are:

  • Infections such as colds and flu.

  • Exercise or physical exertion

  • Breathing cold air

  • Breathing cigarette smoke

  • Breathing dust, animal dander or pollen (allergens)

If your child has an asthma crisis, it is essential to seek medical assistance immediately.

Once a child has been diagnosed with Asthma, there are two types of medication available to treat it.

  • Quick-relief treatment: used to relieve symptoms during an asthma attack

  • Long-term treatment: used regularly as a method of prevention 


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Unfortunately, Asthma is not a 100% preventable condition. Despite being a chronic disease, there are steps you can take to keep your child's Asthma under control:

  • Eliminate cigarette smoke in the home

  • Use unscented cleaning agents and detergents

  • If you have a pet in the house, keep it clean at least once a week and use a soap that reduces its allergenic load.

  • Change mattress covers and sheets constantly

  • Use mattress covers made of "allergy-proof" materials

  • Keep humidity levels low inside the house to avoid organisms such as mold

  • Keep the house ventilated

  • Avoiding carpets and lots of stuffed animals in your child's room

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