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Hematomas can occur for a variety of reasons, with injuries and trauma being the most common


A hematoma is a localized collection of blood that occurs underneath the skin or in soft tissues. It is also commonly known as a bruise.

Hematomas result from small ruptures in blood vessels, which allow blood to escape and accumulate in the affected area. When this happens, the oxygenated blood breaks down and turns blue or purple, resulting in the characteristic color of a hematoma.

How do hematomas occur?

Hematomas can occur for a variety of reasons, with injuries and trauma being the most common. Some situations that can lead to hematomas include:

Physical injuries

Blows, falls, car accidents, sports injuries, and any type of physical trauma can cause hematomas. The injury's severity will determine the hematoma's size and severity.


Surgical procedures can cause hematomas, as tiny blood vessels will inevitably be damaged during the procedure. This is usually normal and will heal on its own.


Some medications, such as anticoagulants, can increase the risk of hematomas, making blood clots difficult.

Underlying medical conditions

Some diseases or blood clotting disorders can increase the likelihood of developing hematomas spontaneously.

What not to do when you have a hematoma?

When you have a hematoma, it is important to keep in mind what not to do:

  • Do not apply heat: Contrary to what many believe, applying heat to a fresh hematoma can worsen the situation by increasing blood flow and swelling.

  • Do not self-medicate: Avoid taking medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen without consulting a healthcare professional, as they can increase the risk of bleeding.

  • Do not drain the hematoma: Do not attempt to drain a hematoma yourself. This could lead to infection and worsen the situation.

  • Do not ignore persistent hematomas: If a hematoma does not improve or worsens over time, seek medical attention, as it could be a sign of a more severe problem.

Do you need medical attention for a hematoma?

In most cases, hematomas are harmless and will heal independently over time. However, seeking medical attention in severe situations or when hematomas are recurrent is crucial.

Suppose you experience any of the following symptoms. In that case, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional, such as a general practitioner or, in severe or recurrent cases, a Hematologist if you have:

  • Hematomas that do not go away or worsen over time

  • Hematomas that form spontaneously without an apparent injury

  • Hematomas accompanied by uncontrollable bleeding

  • History of blood clotting disorders or anticoagulants

  • Hematomas that affect sensitive areas, such as the eyes or mouth

If you seek professional care from a Hematologist to address issues related to blood disorders or recurrent hematomas, you can trust BlueNetHospitals. We support you with highly qualified medical specialists who provide comprehensive, personalized care to address your hematological health needs.



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