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The 5 Most Common Injuries in Traffic Accidents

Road accidents are becoming more frequent, learn about the most common injuries

The 5 Most Common Injuries in Traffic Accidents

One of the best ways to avoid getting involved in a traffic accident is to drive safely. Nowadays, there are many distractions when driving a vehicle, especially issues related to cell phone use. It is of vital importance to be aware of the great responsibility we have when we are behind the wheel.

Although a traffic accident is indeed an unexpected and unpredictable circumstance in most cases, following the recommendations of the traffic and road authorities is another way to avoid the high rate of accidents.


If you have ever been involved in an accident, you know how shocking it can be. Many injuries have been identified in road accidents; these are the most frequent during a crash: 

1.- Head injuries: Head injuries from motor vehicle accidents can vary depending on the head injury location from mild to severe. These injuries may be minor if they only result in a temporary bruise or swelling caused by the window or steering wheel's impact. However, head injuries should never be taken lightly because they could result in a concussion or damage to brain tissue. If you were involved in a traffic accident and subsequently experience headaches or discomfort, try to seek a medical evaluation to rule out any severe possible health problems.

2.- Cervical Whiplash:
In an accident (mainly those where the driver is hit in the back of the car), when the person is impacted, their head and neck undergoes a sudden back and forth movement, known as whiplash. The whiplash effects usually do not manifest themselves at the time of impact, but the symptoms may be present from the day after the accident.

A fracture is a break, usually of a bone. Simple fractures are those in which there is a break in the bone but no open wounds. On the other hand, if the broken bone penetrates through the skin, it is called a compound fracture.
If you have a fracture due to the accident, you have most likely already noticed it. Fractures cause severe pain, swelling, deformity in the area, and problems moving the affected body part. If so, ask for medical help from Traumatology immediately. The Doctor may apply a cast or splint, or depending on the degree of complexity of the fracture, sometimes surgery is necessary to place plates, nails, or screws.

4.- Back injury or whiplash:
Just like head and neck injuries, back injuries are not always immediately noticeable and begin to cause problems days after the accident. It is essential to seek a complete medical check-up after the collision to rule out significant problems.

5.- Psychological Trauma:
After going through a traumatic event such as a car accident, some people may develop anxiety or fear of driving or being in a car for the first few days after the accident. Depression is another common symptom when other passengers are involved with injuries.

Seeking professional help from a Psychologist may be the best idea to receive psychological support and therapy to help you optimally return to your everyday activities.

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