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Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment.


Scoliosis is a curvature of the spine, located in the spine. Scoliosis usually occurs more frequently before puberty is over, the spine of the person who suffers from it usually bends significantly.

The vast majority of Scoliosis cases are generally low risk, but in certain spinal abnormalities, they worsen as children grow older. Severe Scoliosis can render the person incapacitated, aggravating the proper functioning of the lungs.

In most cases, the origins of Scoliosis are unknown. About 3% of teens have Scoliosis.

Some of the causes in which Scoliosis can occur are:

  • Hereditary factors

  • Neuromuscular diseases (infantile cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy)

  • Birth deficiencies that damage the formation of the bones of the spine

  • Spinal injuries

Following are the most common symptoms:

  • Back pain 

  • Shoulder pain 

  • Muscle contractures 

  • Uneven waist 

  • Uneven shoulders 

  • Column curvature 

  • Uneven hips 

As Scoliosis worsens, the spine will also change, in addition to bending from one side to the other. This problem causes the ribs on one side of the body to protrude more on one side than the other.

Risk factors
The risk factors  suffering from Scoliosis are:

  • Age, the period before puberty

  • Sex, girls, are at increased risk of curvature getting worse and needing treatment

  • Family background

Diagnosis of Scoliosis 
The Orthopedics and Traumatology or Neurosurgery specialist will make medical history and ask a series of questions about your condition and a physical exam.

If necessary, the Doctor may perform a neurological examination to analyze muscle weakness, numbness in the affected area, and abnormal reflexes.

The following tests may be applied to determine Scoliosis.

Treatment of Scoliosis 
If the patient presents a case of Scoliosis with slight curvature, it is likely that regular visits to the doctor and periodic examinations can control this.

Having the diagnosis and analyzing the severity of the curvature, the doctor will recommend the treatment to be used.

For treatment, the following elements must be taken into account:

  • Curvature severity

  • Curvature pattern

  • Curvature location

  • Mature

  • Sex

In case the patient has moderate Scoliosis and his bones are still developing, the doctor may recommend the use of an immobilization device. This device can help the curvature continue developing.

Surgery is recommended in advanced cases of Scoliosis, avoiding aggravating the situation.

Living with Scoliosis
Follow the treatment and recommendations provided by your Orthopedic and Traumatology or Neurosurgery specialist.

We recommend playing sports or exercising; this can help you improve your quality of life.

Children and young people with Scoliosis need emotional support. Surrounding themselves with friends who support them and parents who are involved in the treatment, education, and care of this disease will help the patient feel support and help them cope with a better shape of all the challenges.

When to see a Doctor? 
In case you notice any of the symptoms described, go to the doctor. The Orthopedic and Traumatology or Neurosurgery specialist is in charge of treating these types of diseases; he will make a diagnosis to identify the cause of the symptoms and identify the severity of the injury.

At the time of consulting your Doctor, we recommend keeping a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking

BlueNetHospitals - Hospital Los Cabos 
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