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General Medicine


Let's understand Hepatitis better. Its symptoms, how it spreads and its prevention.


Hepatitis is a viral infection of the liver that causes it to become inflamed and affect its function. The WHO estimates that around 354 million people worldwide have chronic Hepatitis B and C.

Types of Hepatitis and their treatments

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the various types of Hepatitis are divided, spread, and have their possible treatment.

Hepatitis type



Hepatitis A


It usually gets better after a few weeks.

Protection: Hepatitis A Vaccine

Hepatitis B

Acute or Chronic

The treatment is determined according to the patient.

Protection: Hepatitis B Vaccine

Hepatitis C

Acute or Chronic

Early diagnosis and treatment prevent liver damage.

Hepatitis D

Massive infection occurs if you have Chronic Hepatitis B and become infected with Hepatitis D

Protection: Hepatitis B vaccine.

Hepatitis E


It usually gets better after a few weeks.


Hepatitis A (one of the most common), is caused by a virus that infects liver cells, producing a severe inflammation of the liver.

This virus is normally spread by eating contaminated food or drinks.

You can also get it from:

  • Drinking contaminated water

  • Eating seafood contaminated with sewage

  • Being in direct contact with a person who has the condition

  • Through sexual intercourse with a patient with Hepatitis

Also, according to the type of Hepatitis, there are different ways of contagion:

Hepatitis type

How is it spread?

Hepatitis A

It is spread through contact with the feces of an already infected person or by ingesting contaminated water.

Hepatitis B

It is spread through contact with the blood or body fluids of an already infected person.

Hepatitis C

It is spread through contact with the blood of an already infected person.

Hepatitis D

It is spread through contact with the blood or body fluids of an already infected person.

Hepatitis E

It is spread through contact with the feces of an already infected person, ingesting contaminated water, or eating uncooked meat.



Hepatitis Symptoms

No matter the type of Hepatitis, there are common symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue

  • Dark-colored urine

  • Nausea or vomiting as if you had a stomach infection

  • Pale stools

  • Abdominal pain (significantly below the lower ribs)

  • Loss of appetite

  • Fever

  • Yellowing of the entire skin and the whites of the eyes (known as jaundice)

How to prevent Hepatitis?

The CDC and the Ministry of Health in Mexico recommend timely vaccination as a preventive measure.

We can also prevent:

  • Washing raw foods like fruits and vegetables well

  • If you travel, do not eat raw or undercooked products

  • Drink bottled water

  • Wash your hands constantly or after going to the bathroom

How do I know if I have Hepatitis?

Before any of the symptoms, the first thing you should do is go to your doctor, who will request a blood test to detect signs of the virus.

Hepatitis Complications

Like any disease, Hepatitis, treated in time, has no consequences, except Hepatitis A. But Hepatitis B and C, if not treated properly, can cause:

  • Cirrhosis

  • Acute Liver Failure

  • Liver cancer

Go to your doctor to start treatment immediately and follow the recommendations.

Do you want to read about Atypical Hepatitis in Children? Click here.


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