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Orthopedics and Traumatology

Calcaneal spur

The heel spur is a bone growth created in the healthy bone (the bone that forms the heel of the foot).

Calcaneal spur

The heel spur is a bone growth created in the healthy bone (the bone that forms the heel of the foot). Although the bone may be located in the pain area, most of the time it is not the cause of the east.

The plantar fascia is what causes pain. People suffering from this injury usually have discomfort when getting up in the morning.


  • Age

  • Suffer from being overweight or obese

  • Do sports activities intensively

  • Wear inappropriate footwear

  • Have flat feet

  • Overload of foot muscles and ligaments

  • Spending long periods standing still


  • Heel pain may be more severe in the morning

  • Feeling of stepping on a nail

  • Discomfort, pain when you put your foot on the ground or when doing some sports activity

Diagnosis of Calcaneal spur

The Orthopedist or Traumatologist will perform a physical exam and ask questions about your symptoms, lifestyle, medical history, and type of footwear.

Following are some of the possible tests that could be carried out:

Treatment of Calcaneal spur

The treatment provided will be according to the severity of the Calcaneal spur; common treatment options include:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs

  • Physiotherapy treatments

  • Decrease or stop practicing physical activity

  • Use of heel cups with holes or custom insoles to support and reduce the load supported by the arch of the foot

  • Surgery can be used in the most severe cases, where none of the previous treatments has given a favorable result

Living with Calcaneal spur

When you have already been diagnosed with Calcaneal spur, follow the treatment provided by your Orthopedist or Traumatologist

Some things to consider that could help improve the quality of life and reduce heel pain are: 

  • Eat healthily 

  • Wear the right shoes 

  • Massage 

  • Do the exercises and stretches that the doctor has told you

  • Attend physical therapy

¿When to see a doctor?

Make your appointment with the doctor in case of presenting any of the mentioned symptoms or in case of detecting another abnormal symptom.

The Orthopedist and Traumatologist are in charge of treating these types of diseases; they will be in charge of making a diagnosis to identify the cause of the symptoms and identify the severity of the condition.

When consulting your Orthopedist or Traumatologist, try to keep a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking.

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