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Orthopedics and Traumatology

Broken Collarbone

A Clavicle Fracture or a Broken Collarbone is a common injury, usually occurring in children and young adults. Schedule your appointment today.

Broken Collarbone

The Clavicle is one of the main bones of the shoulder joint. These bones are said to have the appearance of an S written in italics, these bones connecting the chest and upper limbs. The clavicle also protects the nerves and blood vessels from the neck to the shoulder.

A Clavicle Fracture or a Broken Collarbone is a common injury, usually occurring in children and young adults. The clavicle joins the top of the sternum and the shoulder blade. 

Newborns may not move their arm for several days after a labor-related clavicle fracture.


The Clavicle is one of the bones most frequently fractured by children and young people, as it usually occurs when practicing sports such as football, wrestling, hockey, among others.

A clavicle fracture can be caused by: 

  • Falls, bumps 

  • Suffer sports injuries 

  • Fracture that the baby can present during the delivery process 

  • Trauma, usually caused by a traffic accident


Symptoms of a Broken Collarbone:

We group some of the symptoms that may occur:

  • Pain that increases with shoulder movement
  • Bruising
  • Inflammation
  • Bump on or near the shoulder
  • Sensitivity
  • Feeling or hearing a cracking sound when you move your shoulder
  • Stiffness or inability to move the shoulder

Risk factors:

Age is one of the risk factors, children and adolescents under 20 years of age have a higher probability of a clavicle fracture since, at this age, it has not entirely strengthened. The risk arises again as the person ages as there is a loss of bone strength.


Diagnosis  of Clavicle Fracture: 

You may need to go to the emergency room where eventually the specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology will be in charge of doing a physical exam, will analyze the affected area to find the inflamed area and where the pain intensifies. 

Among the tests to be carried out, we group the most common:


Treatment of Clavicle Fracture: 

The methods for recovering from a clavicle fracture are: 

  • Rest, your Orthopedist may recommend the use of an arm sling 

  • The immobilization time will depend on the severity of the fracture; recovery usually takes between 3 to 6 weeks for children and 6 to 12 for adults 

  • Apply ice to the affected area for 15 to 30 minutes and repeat every two to three hours while you are awake the first few days after a clavicle fracture. 

  • Take over-the-counter pain medication; if the pain is severe the Orthopedist may prescribe a stronger medication 

  • Therapy, the Orthopedist may recommend rehabilitation exercises with the Physiotherapist 

 In severe cases, the Orthopedist may suggest surgery.

When to see a Doctor?

Consult your Orthopedist in case of presenting any of the mentioned symptoms or in case of detecting another abnormal symptom. The specialist in Orthopaedics and Traumatology is in charge of treating this type of condition; it will surely be supported by X-ray studies and will be in charge of making a diagnosis to identify the cause of the symptoms and identify the severity of the condition.

At the time of consulting your Doctor, we recommend keeping a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking. 

In case of breathing difficulties, intense pain for several minutes, or fainting, you should go to the emergency room. You can go directly to the BlueNetHospitalsEmergency Room in Los Cabos or call an ambulance at 624 1043 911.

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