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Placement of a cardiac stent


Angioplasty is a very effective procedure to open the blocked arteries of the heart, called coronary arteries.

A stent is a small tube made of metal mesh that helps prevent the artery from narrowing or closing again.

Most stents contain medications or drugs, preventing the arteries from closing long term.

How to prepare for a stent placement?

On the day of your Angioplasty, your Cardiologist will give you some indications such as:

  • Change or stop taking certain medications (your Cardiologist will tell you)

  • You should stop eating and drinking 6 to 8 hours before your procedure

  • Usually, your doctor will ask you to stay 24–48 hours for observation

  • Once discharged from the hospital, you will not be able to drive; ask a friend or family member to pick you up or take an online car service.

Why is the procedure done?

Coronary arteries are those that carry oxygenated blood to our heart.

When these arteries are obstructed by the accumulation of fatty deposits inside them, they cannot adequately supply blood to the heart; it is known as Coronary Artery Disease. Because the heart is not receiving the amount of oxygenated blood it needs, it can cause chest pain (Angina Pectoris), Arrhythmia, or Heart Failure.


The buildup of this fatty plaque, cholesterol, and other substances in the heart's arteries can even trigger a heart attack, often causing permanent heart damage. This is the most common disease and, unfortunately, the leading cause of death in both men and women in the United States.

If you have been diagnosed with arteriosclerosis or have suffered a heart attack, your cardiologist may decide to place a stent after carrying out a series of studies.

After Angioplasty

Once the stent has been placed, you may have to stay 24 to 48 hours in the Hospital so that your Cardiologist can observe your progress.

Usually, after a week has passed since the Angioplasty, you will be able to return to your normal activities with better vitality and energy.

When you return home, follow these directions:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, this will help cleanse your body

  • Don’t do cardiovascular exercise or lift heavy objects (for at least 1 week)

  • Follow all the recommendations provided by your Cardiologist

Call or go immediately to the Emergency Room if you present:

  • Pain, swelling, bleeding, or warmth in the area where the catheter was inserted

  • Fever

  • Changes the color or temperature of the leg or arm where the catheter was inserted

  • Weakness, dizziness, or vomiting

  • Chest pain or shortness of breath


Results of stent placement

Angioplasty will improve the circulation of blood through your arteries, which will improve the function of the heart.

You will have to make some adjustments to your routine, we list some:

  • Eat healthy

  • Exercise (at least 30 minutes daily)

  • Don’t smoke

  • Avoid alcohol intake

  • Take all your medications as directed by your doctor

  • Reduce consumption of high cholesterol food

Take back your health and give a new life to your heart!

  • children clinic
  • heart center