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A good night's sleep for my heart

A good night's sleep is vital for our overall health, but did you know it also plays a crucial role in heart health?

A good night's sleep for my heart

A good night's sleep is vital for our overall health, but did you know it also plays a crucial role in heart health?

Research by the American Heart Association indicates that chronic lack of sleep can increase the risk of developing heart diseases and other cardiovascular conditions.

It is now known that poor sleep can lead to higher blood pressure, placing additional strain on the heart. Moreover, sleep deprivation negatively impacts cholesterol and blood glucose levels, which may contribute to the development of heart diseases.

Adequate Sleep Equals a Healthy Heart

According to the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, individuals who lead a healthier lifestyle and get at least 7 hours of continuous sleep reduce their risk of cardiovascular diseases by up to 65%.

During sleep, our body carries out essential restoration and repair processes, and the heart is no exception. Throughout rest hours, our body:

  • Reduces the workload on the heart, promoting its rest and recovery with lower blood pressure.

  • Allows the heart to relax and recover, decreasing stress and tension on the cardiac muscle.

  • Decreases the possibility of chronic inflammation, as changes occur in the levels of certain body chemicals that help regulate inflammatory processes during sleep.

  • Levels of the amounts of hormones related to metabolism, stress, and cardiovascular regulation.

Tips for Achieving Restorative Sleep

If you're looking to improve your heart health through restful sleep, here are some changes you should make in your daily routines:

Establish a Routine

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, including weekends. This will help regulate your circadian rhythm and promote better sleep quality.

Create a Conducive Sleeping Environment

Ensure your bedroom gets dark at night, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Use blackout curtains, earplugs, or eye shades if necessary.

Avoid Stimuli Before Sleep

Limit your intake of caffeine, avoid alcohol and heavy food consumption before going to bed. Also, disconnect from electronic devices at least an hour before sleep because the blue light can disrupt your sleep pattern.

Practice Sleep Hygiene

Establish a relaxing routine before bedtime, like reading a book, taking a warm bath, or practicing relaxation techniques. These activities will help calm your mind and prepare your body for restorative sleep.

Remember, quality restful sleep is essential to take care of your heart's health. If, despite following these tips, you still experience difficulties sleeping, a polysomnography is recommended. At BlueNetHospitals, you will find a Geriatrician specialist in sleep disorders, who can assess your situation and provide you with a personalized treatment plan if needed.


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