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Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary Edema causes difficulty breathing to the people. Learn more about Symptoms and Prevention. Schedule Your Appointment Today.

Pulmonary Edema

Pulmonary Edema may form for the accumulation of fluid in the lungs that causes difficulty breathing to the people.



There are many possible causes for which Pulmonary Edema may appear, among the most common are the following:



Pulmonary Edema manifests suddenly and must be attended to immediately, as it can aggravate the situation. Symptoms may include the following:

  • Breathing difficulties, aggravated at bedtime

  • Coughing up blood or foam

  • Shortness of breath or suffocation

  • Breath sounds

  • Anxiety

  • Confusion or decreased alertness

  • Swelling of the abdomen or legs

  • Pale skin

  • Excessive sweating

Diagnosis of Pulmonary Edema

The Cardiologist will perform a physical exam, ask questions related to your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history, especially if you have suffered from any pulmonary or cardiovascular disease.


Following are some of the most common tests that could be carried out:

  • Blood test

  • An Electrocardiogram check the rhythm of the heart

  • Echocardiogram produces video images of the heart, the size and shape of the heart can be observed, in addition to any abnormality

  • Chest X-ray allows seeing the state of the lungs and heart

  • A pulse oximeter, will enable you to determine how much oxygen you have in your blood

  • Cardiac Catheterization, the doctor can examine the heart's arteries, measure the pressure in the heart chambers, check the heart valves, and look for Pulmonary Edema

Treatment of Pulmonary Edema

The treatment provided by your Cardiologist will depend on the severity of the Pulmonary Edema. As a first step, the doctor will take care of giving you oxygen through a face mask or nasal cannula. This helps improve symptoms.

Your Cardiologist will monitor the oxygen level; respiratory assistance may be required through equipment such as a mechanical ventilator or equipment that provides positive air pressure.

Treatment provided will be tailored to the cause of Pulmonary Edema; common treatment options include:

  • Diuretics

  • Morphine (MS Contin)

  • Blood pressure medications

  • In case the Pulmonary Edema is caused by another disease, your doctor will treat both the disease that is causing it and the Pulmonary Edema

Living with Pulmonary Edema

Following the treatment provided by your Cardiologist and leading a healthy lifestyle could help improve quality of life.

We group the following recommendations: 

  • Control Hypertension

  • Controls other medical disorders, such as glucose levels if you have Diabetes

  • Exercise daily 

  • Decrease salt intake 

  • Do not smoke 

  • Have a moderate alcohol consumption 

  • Manage stress 

  • Maintain a healthy weight 

  • Maintain a healthy diet

¿When to see a doctor?

It is essential to consult a Cardiology specialist to diagnose Pulmonary Edema and to be able to start a treatment that helps you control your symptoms.

At the time of consulting your Cardiologist, try to keep a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking.

If you have any of the symptoms described or if you detect another abnormal symptom. Call your doctor.

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