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Pediatric Urology

Pediatric Enuresis

Nocturnal enuresis or bed-wetting, is a common disorder in children aged 5 and older, characterized by the inability to control urination during the night.

Pediatric Enuresis

Pediatric enuresis, also known as nocturnal enuresis or bed-wetting, is a common disorder in children aged 5 and older, characterized by the inability to control urination during the night in children who are old enough to do so.

It is important to note that this disorder is considered normal until around the age of five or six, as it is expected that children gradually acquire nighttime bladder control.

What are the symptoms? 

The most common symptoms of pediatric enuresis include involuntary urination during the night, resulting in bed-wetting or wetting of bedclothes. Affected children may also experience:

  • Feelings of shame

  • Frustration

  • Low self-esteem

  • Social discomfort due to this condition

Enuresis is a frequent difficulty in childhood. Estimates suggest that around 7% of boys and 3% of girls at age 5 experience enuresis. As they grow older, these numbers decrease to 3% in boys and 2% in girls by age 10. Most children outgrow this condition by adolescence, and only around 1% of males and less than 1% of females continue to experience the disorder at age 18.

How many types of pediatric enuresis are there? 

There are two main types of pediatric enuresis: primary and secondary.

  • Primary enuresis occurs when a child has never achieved nighttime bladder control.

  • Secondary enuresis occurs when a child has had a period of at least six months of bladder control but then experiences a regression in control.

How is it diagnosed? 

The diagnosis of pediatric enuresis is based on a clinical evaluation performed by a doctor, who will gather information about the symptoms, medical history, urination patterns, and emotional or environmental factors that may contribute to the problem.

Additional tests, such as urinalysis or imaging studies, may also be conducted to rule out other possible underlying causes.

What are the risk factors? 

While there is no single cause for pediatric enuresis, several risk factors have been identified that may contribute to the development of the disorder. These include genetic factors, abnormalities in the development of the urinary system, hormonal imbalances, emotional or psychological issues, stressful environmental factors, and sleep disorders.

  • Genetics

  • Stress

  • Deep sleep

  • Obstructive sleep apnea/snoring

  • Constipation

  • Bladder or kidney disease

  • Neurological disorders

Can pediatric enuresis be prevented? 

Specific prevention of pediatric enuresis can be challenging, as it is not always possible to prevent its occurrence. However, some general guidelines can be followed to help reduce the risk or manage the condition. These include:

  • Encouraging good sleep hygiene

  • Establishing regular bathroom routines before bedtime

  • Limiting fluid intake before sleep

  • Avoiding foods or drinks that may irritate the bladder

  • Providing a supportive and understanding environment for the affected child

Will my child continue bed-wetting into adulthood? 

In most cases, urinary incontinence tends to resolve spontaneously. The vast majority of children will outgrow it by the end of adolescence, and in some cases even earlier. In the case of secondary enuresis, its disappearance may occur once the underlying cause is identified and addressed.

At times, it may improve or disappear on its own. However, if urinary incontinence persists beyond adolescence, it is advisable for your child to consult a doctor for evaluation and possible treatment.

If your child exhibits persistent symptoms of nocturnal enuresis, it is important to seek medical attention for an appropriate diagnosis and guidance on available treatment options.

At BlueNetHospitals, we understand the importance of providing specialized and compassionate medical care to children with pediatric enuresis. Make an appointment with Dr. Esteban García, Pediatric Urologist at the Children's Clinic Los Cabos.

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