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Pacemaker Application

Some hearts don't beat regularly, and a Pacemaker can correct the issue. Read about purpose and procedure at Health Library by BlueNetHospitals.

Pacemaker Application

¿What is a Pacemaker?

A healthy heart has its own Pacemaker to regulates the rate of the heartbeats.

However, some hearts don't beat regularly, and a Pacemaker can correct the issue. 

A Pacemaker is a little battery-operated device that sends electrical impulses to the heart and maintains a proper heart rate and rhythm. 

Some of the main characteristics of Pacemakers are:

  • It's inserted under the skin of the chest during minor surgery

  • The Pacemaker has two parts: a generator and wires

  • The generator is a small battery-powered unit

  • The generator is plug to your heart through tiny wires

  • Some Pacemakers are external and not surgically implanted

¿How do Pacemakers work?

  • The Pacemaker replaces the heart's inadequate natural Pacemaker functions

  • The sinoatrial node is the heart's original Pacemaker. It produces the electrical impulses that make your heartbeat

  • The chamber of the heart contracts when an electrical impulse moves across it

  • The Pacemaker's pulse generator sends an electrical impulse to the heart to help it beat properly. A tiny electrode placed next to the heart wall is the one who makes this task

If you have more questions, talk to your Cardiologist about that and make the best decision for you together.

Before the procedure

The Cardiologist will review the medical history, questions related to your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history, and if you are taking any medication.

Follow all the instructions of your Cardiologist; you must fast before surgery, do not eat any food or drink for 8 hours before the procedure.

The day before surgery:

  • Take a shower and wash well

  • The Cardiologist may direct you to use a special soap to cleanse the body

During the procedure

The procedure lasts about an hour; the Pacemaker is implanted under the skin. The Cardiologist will apply sedative; the patient will feel no pain and will stay awake.

  • The Cardiologist will make a small opening, insert the Pacemaker under the skin of the chest

  • He will make a small opening, where the Cardiologist will place the leads inside a vein until he reaches the heart, will use X-ray images leaning on a C-Arch that allows him to visualize the area

  • The wound will be closed with stitches

After the procedure

After the surgery, you can stay for a day in the hospital, or the Cardiologist could discharge you the sae day. In most cases, it is possible to return to your activities quickly.

After two weeks have elapsed from your recovery, see your
Cardiologist for a review, and he will tell you when you can use the area of ​​the body that is in recovery again.

The following are some recommendations:

  • Do not lift things that weigh 5 kilograms or more

  • Do not make arm efforts such as pushing or pulling for 2–3 weeks

The Cardiologist will give you a card with your pacemaker information and an emergency contact. You must always carry the card with you and memorize the name of the manufacturer of the pacemaker.

¿Do I need one?

Your doctor could recommend a Pacemaker if:
  • Your heartbeat is too slow
  • Your heartbeat is sometimes healthy and sometimes too fast or too slow

BlueNetHospitals - Hospital Los Cabos
BlueNet Hospitals.

  • children clinic
  • heart center