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Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Overweight and obesity, sedentary life, smoking, a diet with saturated fat. Few fruits, vegetables, and fiber can develop the appearance of Hyperlipidemia

Currently, there is an alarming fact in the world: more than a quarter of the world's population (about 2 billion adults) suffer from overweight or obesity. From this problem, many other such as heart diseases, diabetes or high cholesterol, better known as Hyperlipidemia, develop.

But, hey! High cholesterol can be reduced, here are some ways to detect it and remember if you are 20 or older, get a general Check-Up, at least begin with a cholesterol test.

What is Hyperlipidemia?

Basically, Hyperlipidemia is known as high cholesterol (lipids) in the blood. Two types of fats are the most common: cholesterol and triglycerides.

Cholesterol is a white fat molecule that is an essential part of every cell membrane. The liver produces it, so it occurs naturally in our body, and we can also consume it in various foods.

Our body transforms cholesterol in the production of some hormones and the maintenance of cells; therefore, we notice that not all cholesterol is terrible.

There are two types of cholesterol:

"The good kind": High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) 

"The bad kind": Low-density lipoprotein (LDL).


Many factors can develop Hyperlipidemia such as

  • A diet high in cholesterol, saturated fat, total fat.

  • Hereditary factors and family history

  • Obesity

  • Kidney problems

  • Diabetes

  • Hypothyroidism

  • A sedentary lifestyle

  • Take over a long period of time, some medications (cortisone, hormones, etc.)

  • Among others.


Your doctor will examine for risk of Hyperlipidemia through a traditional lipid profile blood test after an overnight fast.

Hyperlipidemia may develop if a person has one of these factors:

  • High levels of LDL

  • High levels of HDL

  • High levels of Triglycerides


Because cholesterol is a type of fat that our bodies produce, the goal is to reduce those cholesterol levels that are harmful. This will reduce risk factors such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and other problems.

Starting to monitor what we eat will help, reducing consumption of foods with trans fats and saturated fats, red meats, dairy products made from whole milk, fried and processed foods, pastries, and ice cream...

Implement or intensify exercise habits. This doesn't mean you have to spend 5 hours a day in the gym or run a marathon the next day. With 30 minutes of intense to moderate physical activity, you will make a noticeable difference.

Quitting smoking: By quitting smoking, you lower your cholesterol levels and protect your arteries.


  • Adults 20 years of age and older should take it upon themselves to check their cholesterol levels every few years as part of their medical management.

  • Losing Weight

  • Improve your diet and exercise regularly

  • Moderate alcoholic beverages and stop smoking

  • Your doctor will tell you about medicines you can take if you have been diagnosed with Hyperlipidemia.


  • children clinic
  • heart center