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Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Learn about the importance of early detection

Early Detection of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is sometimes diagnosed once symptoms have appeared, although many women do not experience it. That is why it is crucial to have regular screening tests.

Breast cancer is a matter that profoundly affects us, particularly women. However, we are here to discuss ways to take care of our health and detect it early.

So, let's learn about the importance of early detection and how screenings by an Oncologist and Mammogram can make a difference in your life.

Breast Cancer: United in this Fight

Breast cancer is a disease that affects millions of women worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 2.3 million new breast cancer cases are diagnosed yearly.

The first step in early detection of breast cancer is self-examination for all women from the age of 19. All women should learn to examine themselves correctly to become familiar with the normal anatomy of their breasts and promptly identify any changes or minimal findings.

The earlier we discover it, the more options we have for effective treatment and the less impact it will have on our lives. To achieve this, we must undergo regular check-ups that include specific screening tests.

Breast Cancer Screening Tests

There are several options available, each with its utility and purpose. Here is an overview of the breast cancer screening tests you should know about:

  1. Breast self-examination

All women aged 19 should perform monthly breast self-examinations using an appropriate technique.

Being familiar with the appearance and feel of your breasts can be very helpful in noticing symptoms such as lumps, pain, or changes in size that may cause concern. This includes self-exams of the breasts, during which you can detect changes you should report to your doctor or healthcare provider.

Steps for a proper self-examination:

  • Visual inspection: In front of a mirror, observe your breasts with your arms at your sides. Then, raise your arms and check for any deformities, indentations, or changes in the skin or nipple.

  • Standing touch: Use the pads of your three middle fingers to palpate your breasts in circular motions. Move from top to bottom and from side to side.

  • Touch while lying down: Lie with a pillow under your right shoulder, use your left hand to feel the right breast, and vice versa.

  1. Breast ultrasound

All women aged 30 to 39 should have a breast ultrasound every year.

Breast ultrasound is a valuable tool for detecting and evaluating breast abnormalities. It is a safe, non-invasive, and radiation-free procedure that provides crucial information for the care and follow-up of breast health. Regular check-ups and following medical recommendations are essential to ensure well-being and early detection of any condition.

The doctor may recommend a breast ultrasound if a lump or abnormality is detected during a routine examination or self-exam. This technique allows determining whether the lump is a fluid-filled cyst or a solid tumor and its location and size. However, it is essential to note that although ultrasound can identify the nature of the lump, it cannot confirm if it is cancerous.

Breast ultrasound is an essential medical tool that uses high-frequency sound waves to obtain detailed images of the inside of the breasts. Unlike other imaging methods, such as X-rays, ultrasounds do not use radiation, making them safe for pregnant and lactating women.

  1. Mammogram

All women should have a Mammogram starting at the age of 40. It is advisable to keep the studies so that the Radiologist can compare them with the previous year's findings.

A Mammogram is an x-ray of the breasts and is a valuable tool in the early detection of breast cancer. For many women, a Mammogram is the best method to identify the disease in its early stages, when it is easier to treat, and before it is large enough to be felt or cause noticeable symptoms.

All women aged 40 should have an ultrasound and Mammogram together for greater diagnostic certainty.

  1. Evaluation and physical examination by an Oncologist

An Oncologist performs a clinical breast examination using their expert hands to detect lumps or other breast changes. Although useful, clinical breast examinations have not been proven to decrease the risk of dying from breast cancer. However, they remain an essential part of breast health assessment.

  1. Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic Resonance Imaging is used in particular cases to examine breast lesions but is not a first-choice study.

Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging uses magnets and radio waves to take detailed images of the breasts. Radiologists perform this test and mammograms to examine women at high risk of developing breast cancer, such as those with a family history.

Care for your health with Check-Ups

Nothing is more important than taking care of your health, and regular check-ups are an act of self-love. These medical controls allow us to detect any changes or abnormalities in our bodies and take preventive measures if necessary. Additionally, they provide peace of mind, knowing you are doing everything possible to stay healthy.

At BlueNetHospitals, we know that your well-being is essential. That is why we offer Check-Up packages with you in mind. If you want to learn more about breast health care and our Promos, do not hesitate to contact us! We are here to care for and support you at this crucial stage of your life.

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