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Does the Keto diet work for Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes is a condition that impacts blood sugar control.

Does the Keto diet work for Type 2 Diabetes?

The Ketogenic Diet is trendy to lose weight fast.

The best for a Diabetic is losing weight, but is it a safe, effective method to help Diabetes patients?

The American Diabetes Association does not recommend the Keto Diet.

A Keto Diet is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan. About 20%-30% of the diet is a protein like chicken breast or fatty like bacon.

Foods contain carbohydrates, the primary fuel for our body. The body needs insulin to bring glucose from the blood into the cells for energy.

 Usually, your body fuels itself from glucose that it gets from carbs. After a few days of the Keto Diet, your body operates out of glucose, so it starts burning body fat instead. This process called nutritional ketosis.

For a Diabetic Patient, insulin is either missing or insufficient, so the Keto Diet is not so safe. 

The risks

  • Eat a high-carb food, can lead a Diabetic to a spike in blood glucose.

  • Hypoglycemia.

  • Heart Diseases for eating a lot of fat.

  • Lack of nutrients.

  • Liver and Kidney problems.

  • Constipation.

  • Gallstones.

The Solution

Talk to your doctor before you sign up in a trending diet. You need to eat healthily, but with an excellent guide, you can reach your goals!

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