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Bladder Stones

Bladder stones can sometimes cause pain or burning when urinating. These are masses of minerals located in your bladder.

Bladder Stones
Bladder stones are hard masses of minerals located in the bladder.
Stones in the bladder develop when minerals in the urine crystallize, forming stones. This can happen when you have trouble fully emptying your bladder.
Bladder stones must be treated; if not, other complications may occur.

Causes of Bladder Stones
  • Kidney Stones
  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) obstructs urine flow and prevents the bladder from emptying completely 
  • Medical devices, which help drain urine from the bladder 
  • Infections 
  • Inflammation in the bladder 
  • Damaged nerves

Symptoms of Bladder Stones

Sometimes bladder stones do not cause symptoms. When the stone arrives, it inflames the bladder's wall or obstructs the flow of urine; the following symptoms may occur:

  • Urination problems

  • Pain when urinating

  • Pain in the lower abdomen

  • Frequent Urination

  • Dark-colored urine

  • Blood in the urine

Risk factors of Bladder Stones
Diagnosis of Calculations in the bladder
The Urologist will perform a physical exam, ask questions related to your symptoms, lifestyle, and medical history.
Following are some of the possible tests that the Urologist could perform:

Treatment of Bladder Stones
Treatment options include:

  • Surgical removal, in case the bladder stone is extensive and difficult to break, the Urologist will remove it surgically

  • Drink water

  • Using instruments such as laser, ultrasound etc., allows removing the stones

Living with bladder stones
When you have already been diagnosed with bladder stones, follow the treatment provided by your Urologist

Some things to consider that could help improve the quality of life are:

¿When do you have to see a doctor?
Make your appointment with the Urologist in case of presenting any of the mentioned symptoms or in case of detecting another abnormal sign.

When consulting your doctor, we recommend keeping a record of your pain with a detailed description of the symptoms, duration, and what you think triggered them. Also, mention any medications you are taking.

BlueNetHospitals - Hospital Los Cabos
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