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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Parenting in a Pandemic

Tips to Keep the Calm at Home & a Back to School Guide

Parenting in a Pandemic

Because of the huge media exposure around the theme of Coronavirus these days, children are exposed to accurate sources of information but also to those who only use their platform to generate psychosis and spread fear among readers. Many parents feel responsible for finding the right way to inform the children of the family what is happening to tell the truth but without terrorizing them.

"Why is my school closing? Am I going to get sick? How can I help? Are my grandparents in danger? Why can't I go out and play with my neighbors now? Why do people wear a  mask?”

Surely, as a parent, you have heard some of these hard-to-answer questions already, it is okay for your child to feel concerned because it means he/she cares about what is happening.

Until researchers and doctors find a vaccine or medicine to kill the virus, the only way to stop it is to prevent it from jumping from one person to another.

That's why the biggest rule is:

  • Wash your hands many, many times a day. Count from 1 to 20 to know when to finish washing your hands

  • When you sneeze or cough, cover yourself with your arm so that there are no flying viruses

Back to School during Pandemic

Due to the health crisis caused by the Coronavirus (COVID-19), the way we knew how to teach and attend school changed. The traditional method where we applied a face-to-face model became an obligatory distance model where computers, tablets, webcams, headphones, and microphones became our best allies.

The new school year that is about to begin is viewed differently in each location, depending on what the local Health Authorities have ruled based on the current level of spread in each community.

In some places, such as Mexico, where the school year is closer to the beginning, the Ministry of Public Education has already announced the strategies to be implemented to return to classes virtually,  while some others will have a physical presence this school year, taking their respective hygiene and prevention measures.

We recommend you to click on one of the following links if you want more specific information about your location:

For more information about the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico, click here.

For more information about guidelines in Los Cabos, Mexico click here.

In other countries, it remains to be determined whether the virtual classroom model will be continued or whether some changes and adjustments will be made so that students can return to the classroom as safely as possible. 

For more information about the back to school in the US, click here

For more information about the back to school in Canada, click here

Either way, we leave you with some recommendations that the World Health Organization (WHO) has ruled for both situations:

Returning to school in person:

  • Maintain a physical distance of at least 1.5m between everyone in the school

  • Limiting class mix

  • Separate desks and benches

  • Modify schedules

  • Ventilate the rooms

  • Moving classes outdoors if possible

Continue with school virtually:

  • Broadcasting lessons not only on the Internet but also on radio and television

  • Frequent follow-up and support for students

  • Avoid penalizing students in difficult environments

And what can parents do to prepare their children for the return to school in the #NewNormal?

  • Establish routines: your children need to learn when vacation time is over, when it's time to study and when to rest. Establish schedules and routines.

  • Hygiene habits: don't let your guard down by supervising the correct washing of your children's hands several times a day, and you can support your child is getting used to using Facemask.

Home Entertainment Ideas for kids:

Check out these handy home entertainment ideas that will keep your kids busy and their imaginations flying now that the schools are closed:

  • Designate your children's small daily domestic responsibilities that they can accomplish: Raising their bed, picking up their toys, helping to sweep or watering the garden will make your children feel useful. You can also include them in your tasks by having them classify paperwork, place stamps on envelopes, or have a workspace near you to do their schoolwork.

  • Use the tools you have available: Desperate times call for desperate steps. We realize that many parents don't like the idea of their children spending too much time in front of a screen; it's not healthy either. However, in these days of Coronavirus Quarantine, you can structure a period of time per day for them to take advantage of some of the amazing things the internet has to offer for children.

Educational tools:

Entertainment tools:

  • The Surprise Box: Collect items you have on hand at home. Then, write down various tasks for your child on many pieces of paper. They'll have to pick one out at random and use his creativity to get it done. You can find a way to reward him if he does a good job. Example: Let them create a mermaid or a unicorn. Create a favorite animal or cartoon character. (Use modeling clay, glitter, paper plates, stickers, buttons, balloons, tape, pom poms, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks, watercolor paints, crayons, eyes, plastic cups, felt, cupcake liners…)

  • Use masking tape as your partner for hours of fun: you can make a " spider's web " out of long strips of masking tape placed on a door frame so that your children can play at throwing paper balls that get caught in the spider's web.
    - How to Make a Web from Duct TapeYou can also create " road " lines on your floor so your children can play with their cars. It is essential to use tape that is easy to remove and will not damage your floor.
    -How to make roads and streets with tape

  • Origami: Your kids will love folding paper into a fun shape. Besides the chance to be entertained and focused for a while ( and you can finish that project you haven't had time to send ), this activity stimulates your child's creativity and manual dexterity.

This is a new experience for everyone; it is natural that many times the levels of stress or anxiety in both parents and children and even in teachers because things have changed. But remember, we are in this together! You are not alone, let's support each other so that the experience of returning to class even during a pandemic is as positive and enriching as possible.

And remember:  Get tested! 

Where can I get a test for COVID-19 in Los Cabos?  Visit our link to find more information about it. 

Why is COVID-19 testing important?  COVID-19 testing will help you protect your family, your community, and yourself.

It will save lives!

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