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Pediatrics and Neonatology

4 common questions about babies to pediatricians

Know what are the most common questions asked of a Pediatrician, in a routine visit to check a baby.

4 common questions about babies to pediatricians

The questions that the Pediatrician receives most frequently involve concerns about what comes out of your baby, from saliva to poop, and what is "normal".Here are four main questions a pediatrician listens to most often.

My baby seems to be spitting up a lot. When should I be concerned?
All babies spit, do not worry unless your baby is not growing at the expected speed because they are not reducing calories or have pain.In that case, reflux can sometimes be treated with an antacid, but parents should discuss their concerns with their baby's Pediatrician and not try to treat the problem before consulting the doctor.
My baby does a lot of poop (or very little) Is it normal?
The frequency and consistency of feces vary during the first year of life and infrequent soft stools may be normal, even color may vary widely without anything being wrong.If your baby's stools are too watery, he may have diarrhea, if your baby tries too hard and the stools are dark and hard, it may mean he is constipated. In any case, you should talk to your Pediatrician.

Why is my baby so fussy or why does he seem to cry so much?
Parents are sometimes very concerned about their baby's crying, but crying is the only way they can express their feelings.It is suggested to contact your Pediatrician with your concerns to see if an appointment is necessary.

Should I vaccinate my baby? 
Yes, we are not only protecting our babies, but also others when receiving vaccines.

A final bit for advice
If you are a first-time father, your instincts and your confidence will increase as time goes by, even if it does not seem so in the first days, weeks, or months. The job of the Pediatrician is to support the parents along the way.

The Pediatrics and Neonatology team at BlueNetHospitals Los Cabos is dedicated to curing children's illnesses and maintaining special attention on growth control, vaccines, and the motor and intellectual well-being of children.

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