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Curious facts about your eyes that you probably didn't know

The human eye has a lens that adapts according to distance! Learn more about in our BlueNet For U!

Curious facts about your eyes that you probably didn't know


The eye is a detecting light organ, its function is to transform the energy light in electrical signs that are sent to the brain through the optical nerve. The human eye has a lens that adapts according to distance, a diaphragm, or pupil which diameter is regulated by the iris and tissue which is sensitive to light.


What you didn't know about your eyes

  • 1) How many colors can we distinguish?

The human eye is capable of distinguishing near 10 million different colors. As long as it works correctly and you don´t have a disease or anomaly on the eye.

  • 2) If the human eye was a camera…

If the human eye was a photography camera, it would have around 576 megapixels.

  • 3) How long do we keep our eyes closed?

In the course of our lifetime, we spend practically 10% of each day with our eyes closed just by blinking, this without considering when we are sleeping.

  • 4) Playing Tetris makes your eyes stronger.

Research has shown that, contrary to what is believed about the relationship between videogames and vision, scientists have discovered that playing games like Tetris are useful for the eyes, especially to adults and treatment for “lazy eye”.

  • 5) Two different colored eyes on the same person.

Did you know that Heterochromia Iridium is an anomaly of the eyes that causes to have a different color on each eye? For example, one blue and one brown. The difference in color can be fully or partially. Heterochromia is less frequent and it can be congenital or acquired.

  • 6) We will use glasses.

It does not matter that your vision is working at 100% today. Through our lifetime and as time passes, we will end developing some kind of problem at an age between 40 and 50 years. That is the moment when we start to use glasses.

  • 7) Do you know how many times we blink?

Approximately, weblink about 17 times per minute, that is around 14,280 times a day. However, you must know that when we are straight looking at a computer or cellphone we forget and we blink less frequently, that is the reason it gets swollen that often, so remember to blink and hydrate your eyes while you are reading this article!


Attend with a specialist

The eyes utility in our life is amazing, these are considered as one of the most complex and developed organs by the human being, that is why its appropriate functionality is so important.