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7 Facts about the Urinary System You Need to Know

The urinary system is one of the mechanisms that the human body has to get rid of waste from the body. Protect it.

7 Facts about the Urinary System You Need to Know

The urinary system is one of the mechanisms that the human body has to get rid of waste from the body. There,  the urine is produced and stored, and then eliminated in a complex process involving the kidneys, urethra, and bladder. 


What is the Urinary System?


The Urinary System includes the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. It is essential and helps the rest of the body to function correctly.


This system works like a filter, removing toxins and waste from your body through your urine, using a series of tubes to pass these wastes. These passages are connected to the blood vessels and the digestive system. 


What are the functions of the Urinary System?


The urinary system filters the blood to remove what the body does not need. It removes extra water and salt, toxins, and other waste products. Different parts of the urinary system perform tasks such as


  • Filtering the blood

  • Storing and expelling urine 

  • Separating toxins from nutrients 


Here are 7 important facts about the urinary system you need to know:


1) The most important organ of the urinary system are the kidneys, bean-shaped structures that are located under the ribs in the middle of the back. Their function is to remove urea from the blood and get the urine into the bladder. 


2) The ureters are thin tubes that serve as a link between the kidneys and the bladder. They are formed of muscles that contract and expand to allow the urine flow every 10 or 15 minutes. 


3) In the pelvis you can see a hollow structure in the form of a balloon called the bladder; Its function is to store the urine until it receives brain signals to eliminate this waste, through the urethra. 


4) The bladder can store almost half a liter of urine for 2 to 5 hours without causing discomfort. At the exit of the bladder, there are muscles called sphincters that close strongly to avoid any spontaneous leakage.


5) Urine is made up of 95% water. The rest is 2.5% urea and 2.5% salts, minerals, and other enzymes produced during normal body processes.


6) If one kidney deteriorates it can be extirpated since the other one has the capacity to grow in 50% in a time of two months and begin to perform the filtration functions of his former companion. 


7) You can maintain a healthy bladder by only taking the following steps: drink large amounts of fluid daily  (minimum two liters), maintain a healthy diet with a greater amount of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, and practice pelvic exercises in the ground with some frequency. 


The urinary system is a complex and very interesting mechanism. As long as you follow healthy life habits,  your body will have no problem eliminating waste from the blood.


Remember, if you have pain or problems when urinating, you should consult a Urologist, as it could be a sign of some medical condition that needs timely treatment. Consult a Urologist if you have any:


  • Bleeding when urinating

  • Burning or painful sensation while urinating

  • Urgent need to urinate frequently

  • Swollen feet

  • Urine leakage problems

  • Pain in the pelvic area

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